Amy Royce is Senior Counsel for Income Security at the National Women’s Law Center. She manages a portfolio of issues affecting women’s economic security with a focus on federal tax policy and gender and racial wealth gaps. Her work includes publishing and presenting policy analysis, federal advocacy for a more progressive tax code to advance equity, and public education to advance understanding of the tax code, wealth concentration and gender and racial equity. Prior to joining the Law Center, Amy served as a Presidential appointee as the Special Assistant to Commissioner David Kladney at the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Her work encompassed civil rights issues including the rights of incarcerated women, criminal justice concerns, voting rights, and disability employment policy. She holds a B.A. from Georgetown University and a J.D. magna cum laude from Georgetown University Law Center, where she was a managing editor for the Georgetown Journal on Poverty Law and Policy. Before law school, she worked in homeless outreach services.