Racial Justice

We will never achieve equality and opportunity for women while systemic racism and sexism continue to put hurdles in the paths of women of color.
Attacks on Diversity & Inclusion
Breaking Stereotypes
Stereotypes about race, gender, sexual orientation, age, and other personal characteristics shape how people perceive, interact with, and make decisions about others. For decades, the way groups of people have been portrayed by the media, popular culture, and public officials has led to biases—often unconscious—that can result in discrimination against women and people of color.
Equity in Education
All students deserve access to equal educational opportunities. However, girls of color face interconnected, structural barriers that threaten their success in school and beyond.
Race & Gender Wage Gaps
Comparing what women of color are paid to what white, non-Hispanic men make demonstrates the enormous economic impact of the double burden of sexism and racism.
Reproductive Justice
All of us deserve to make our own decisions about our bodies, health, sexuality, and whether and when to have children with dignity and autonomy and to raise the family we have in a safe, healthy environment. But communities of color face a unique set of barriers—not only to abortion and birth control access but also to the ability to raise their families in safe, healthy environments.