White, non-Hispanic women often have access to good health and quality health care, particularly when compared to Black women and Latinas. This stems from a range of factors, including greater systemic barriers and inequities facing Black women and Latinas. White, non-Hispanic women may even far better than their male counterparts on some health metrics. For example, nationally, nearly one in 13 white, non-Hispanic women (7.6%) aged 19 to 64 lacked health insurance coverage between 2017 and 2021. In comparison, 10.2% of white, non-Hispanic men nationally did not have health insurance. However, even with a larger share than white, non-Hispanic men of having health insurance coverage in nearly every state, white, non-Hispanic women report overall worse health than white, non-Hispanic men.  

White, non-Hispanic women also tend to experience slightly greater food insufficiency and housing insecurity (being behind on their rent or mortgage payments) than white, non-Hispanic men, which contributes to worse overall physical and mental health.i  

Nationally, 8.9% of white, non-Hispanic women ages 18 and over lived in poverty in 2021 compared to 7.1% of white, non-Hispanic men. However, white, non-Hispanic women in many states fared worse. In West Virginia, 17.4% of white, non-Hispanic women live in poverty, nearly twice the national poverty rate for white, non-Hispanic women. Meanwhile, 13.2% of white, non-Hispanic men lived in poverty in 2021 in West Virginia. People living in poverty have higher rates of chronic diseases and overall worse physical and mental health.ii    

The following table provides data by state on social determinants of health metrics for white, non-Hispanic women.  

Health Metrics for White Non-Hispanic Women by State