Families depend on women’s wages more than ever, but in every state in the U.S., women working full time, year round are still typically paid less than men working full time, year round.  

Nationally, in 2023, women of all races working full time, year round typically were paid only 83 cents for every dollar paid to men of all races, and the size of the disparity varies by state. Women overall fare best in Rhode Island, where women working full time, year round typically make 89 cents for every dollar men make.  Women fare worst relative to men in Louisiana where women are paid only 71 cents for every dollar paid to men, respectively.  

However, the wage gap for full-time, year-round workers doesn’t fully reflect the economic disparities faced by women. The full-time, year-round wage gap leaves out those who were unemployed or out of the labor force for part of 2023, or who worked part time, including those who wanted full-time work. When part-time and part-year workers are included in the comparison, women were typically paid only 75 cents for every dollar paid to men in 2023. 

Hover on a state below to see wage gaps for women overall; Black women; Latinas; Asian women; Indigenous women; white, non-Hispanic women; and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander women. 

Source Note: What a woman makes for every dollar a man makes is the ratio of women’s and men’s annual median earnings (1) for full-time, year-round workers and (2) for all workers with earnings, including part-time and part-year workers. Figures for women overall by state calculated by NWLC are based on 2023American Community Survey data. Figures for Black women; Latinas; Asian women; Indigenous women; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander women; and white, non-Hispanic women calculated by NWLC are based on 2019-2023 American Community Survey 5year estimates. For the purposes of this analysis, D.C. is considered a state. National wage gap comparing women and men overall are NWLC calculations using 2024 Current Population Survey, Annual Social and Economic Supplement.