The first 100 days of a new administration are critical. Against the back drop of a country plagued by the COVID-19 crisis, under attack by white supremacists, and reeling from the after effects of a hostile Trump administration, we spent the first 100 days of the Biden-Harris administration fighting to redefine what it means to be safe, to enshrine dignity in our policies and laws, and to advance gender equality for all.
With 100 Wins, 100 Days, we laid out a bold road map. And we celebrated many victories because of the thousands of supporters who pushed the administration and their lawmakers in Congress to take decisive action, dream big, and invest in communities who have been pushed aside for too long.
We’re proud of the wins that we pushed for, on everything from big investments in child care and ending discriminatory practices in housing, to reversing the harmful Title IX rules of the Trump administration. But, there’s still so much left to do. Abortion access and our reproductive rights are still under attack. And too many women and girls can’t go school or work without experiencing harassment or violence. Take a look at all we achieved in the list below, but make no mistake: 100 days is just the beginning. We will not stop fighting.

100 Wins, 100 Days
- Pass the Equality Act to provide clear, explicit protections clarifying that the prohibitions against sex discrimination include discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity and to close longstanding gaps in federal law and for the first time prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex in public spaces, services, and all federally funded activities. IN PROGRESS. Learn more.
- Reinstate the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program through executive action. DONE. Learn more!
- Build a robust and robustly resourced White House Gender Policy Council, to center the the needs of women and girls living at the intersections of multiple identities, including race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability status, class, and religion and belief system, and coordinate a strong gender equity agenda and deep gender equity analyses across federal agencies. DONE.
- Appoint judges who increase the diversity of the courts and that have demonstrated commitment to gender, racial, and social justice. IN PROGRESS.
- Appoint and confirm a diverse cabinet whose members have demonstrated commitment to gender, racial, and social justice. IN PROGRESS.
- Issue a presidential memo or executive order instructing the Department of Justice to begin coordinating full implementation of LGBTQ rights under federal civil rights laws in line with Bostock v. Clayton County. DONE! Learn more.
At School
- Block and roll back the dangerous Title IX rule passed by Betsy Devos and the Trump administration that prioritized named harassers over survivor safety and conduct listening sessions with students, their families, and other stakeholders. IN PROGRESS. Learn more.
- Initiate rulemaking on comprehensive Title IX regulations to address sexual harassment in schools; religious exemptions; protections for LGBTQ students; lactation, pregnancy, and reproductive health accommodations; and dress and grooming policies.
- Pending Title IX rulemaking, issue interim guidance addressing Title IX protections against sexual harassment.
- Establish a new task force on sexual harassment in schools, with an explicit focus on race, color, national origin, gender, LGBTQ status, disability, and the intersections between these identities.
- Repeal the Department of Education rule on Guidance and Rulemaking Procedures that DeVos issued on Nov. 4, 2020, which currently makes it harder for the department to issue new helpful policies and is especially harmful during the pandemic, when quick, flexible guidance is necessary to navigate remote learning and school reopening. IN PROGRESS! Learn more.
- Restore Title VI joint guidance on school discipline by the Departments of Education and Justice that the Trump administration rescinded, leaving schools without crucial information on how to protect the most marginalized students from discrimination, and update it to address the discriminatory impacts of discipline that criminalizes students.
- Initiate rulemaking on Title VI regulations to address different treatment and disparate impact racial discrimination in school discipline.
- Issue an executive order to end federal funding for school-based police, including directing the Department of Justice not to grant money to schools to hire police through the COPS program, in order to reallocate funds for better academic, social, and emotional supports in schools.
- Issue an executive order directing the Departments of Education and Justice to collect and publicly release data related to the prevalence of student resource officers (SROs) in schools and reports of SRO misconduct.
- Ensure no COVID relief funds are used to increase the role of law enforcement in schools.
- Advance the Counseling Not Criminalization in Schools Act, which would prohibit federal funding for school-based law enforcement and divert these funds to evidence-based and trauma-informed services for students, like hiring school counselors and implementing restorative practices.
- Advance the Ending PUSHOUT Act, which would prevent the criminalization and pushout of students, especially Black and brown girls, by eliminating the overuse of exclusionary discipline and providing grant funding for schools to create safer and more inclusive learning environments for all students. Learn more.
- Advance the Hold Accountable and Lend Transparency on Campus Sexual Violence (HALT) Act, which creates important steps for addressing campus sexual violence with more accountability, transparency, resources, and federal agency coordination.
- Provide updated guidance on how schools should protect students’ civil rights that addresses the unique circumstances of remote learning–for example, such guidance should address online harassment.
- Ensure that all students have financial assistance and technology supports for remote learning regardless of their immigration status.
- Issue guidance relaxing standards that establish Satisfactory Academic Progress for financial aid eligibility, encourage remote options for federal work-study programs, and encourage schools to adopt penalty-free leave policies for students with caregiving responsibilities during the COVID crisis.
- Provide funding for schools to provide mental health counseling and supports for children and adult learners to address mental health needs stemming from the pandemic.
- Issue an executive order to establish an interagency task force that includes ED, DOJ, DHS, and HHS with the goal of creating safe, healthy, and inclusive schools for historically marginalized students.
- Double funding for civil rights enforcement by the Department of Education Office for Civil Rights.
At Work
- Require companies to provide emergency paid sick days and paid family leave, and expand these programs to ensure that all working people are included in these protections.
- Require the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to issue an enforceable standard on infectious diseases to help employers achieve the safest possible conditions for front-line workers. DONE! Learn more.
- Reject efforts to provide businesses with immunity from coronavirus-related lawsuits–including those based on negligence, failure to comply with workplace health and safety standards, and workplace civil rights violations—at the expense of working people and the public.
- Issue an executive order prohibiting federal contractors from relying on salary history, and requiring them to include salary ranges in job announcements; reinstate the inter-agency National Equal Pay Task Force; direct the federal government to stop relying on salary history in hiring; and require employers to report compensation data to the government (including by reinstating the equal pay data collection) and to publicly disclose wage gaps by race, ethnicity, and gender.
- Amend Executive Order 13658 to raise the minimum wage for all workers on federal construction and service contracts to at least $15 per hour and require federal contractors to pay tipped workers the same minimum wage as any other worker, before tips. DONE! Learn more.
- Reverse the Department of Labor (DOL)’s interpretative rule establishing a new test for determining independent contractor status under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). IN PROGRESS. Learn more.
- Protect tipped workers—who are mostly women and have been extraordinarily hard hit by the pandemic—by reversing harmful rulemaking and increasing enforcement dedicated to ending wage and tip theft in the restaurant industry. IN PROGRESS. Learn more.
- Promote fair work schedules that ensure working people have input, predictability, and access to adequate hours—including by launching research initiatives and listening sessions with workers.
- Restore joint employment tests under the purview of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and DOL that ensure employers cannot evade accountability for workplace violations by hiding behind a subcontract. IN PROGRESS. Learn more.
- Implement new strategies to ensure that employers who have a record of violating labor and employment laws do not receive federal contracts.
- Promulgate new DOL regulations to raise the FLSA overtime salary threshold, ensuring more working people receive overtime pay.
- Rescind and replace DOL’s rule giving federal contractors a license to discriminate against employees in the name of religion.
- Undo EEOC’s recent change to its process for resolving claims of unlawful discrimination against employers, delaying justice and further stacking the deck against working people seeking justice.
- Double funding for enforcement by the EEOC and DOL of workplace rights to be free of discrimination and harassment.
- Pass the Paycheck Fairness Act, which would help strengthen equal pay protections. IN PROGRESS.
- Pass the Raise the Wage Act, which would raise the federal minimum wage to $15/hour by 2025 and end exclusions for tipped workers, young workers, and people with disabilities. IN PROGRESS.
- Pass the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, which would require employers to make reasonable accommodations for employees who have limitations stemming from pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions.
- Advance the BE HEARD in the Workplace Act, the first comprehensive federal proposal to address workplace harassment in the #MeToo era.
- Pass the Healthy Families Act, which ensures workers can earn up to seven paid sick and safe days each year.
- Advance the Family and Medical Insurance Leave (FAMILY) Act, which provides workers with up to 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave to welcome a new child, care for a seriously ill family member, or attend to their own serious medical condition.
- Advance the PRO Act, which will restore and strengthen workers’ rights to organize and collectively bargain.
- Advance the Schedules That Work Act, which grants people more predictability, stability, and input in their work schedules.
- Advance the Part-Time Worker Bill of Rights Act, which ensures part-time workers—who are mostly women—are treated fairly on the job and can access the hours, benefits, and opportunities they need to support themselves and their families.
- Advance the Domestic Worker Bill of Rights Act, which extends critical benefits and protections to house cleaners, nannies, and home care workers—who are largely women, disproportionately women of color and immigrant women, and often have been excluded from labor and employment protections.
For Families
- Restore the longstanding regulatory interpretation of the public charge rule. DONE!
- Undo the Trump administration’s rollback of the 2015 Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) rule. IN PROGRESS. Learn more.
- Undo the Trump administration’s rollback of disparate impact under the Fair Housing Act and restore the 2013 disparate impact rule. DONE!
- Instruct the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and USDA to withdraw their rulemakings to separate or evict mixed-status families and increase paperwork and documentation requirements. DONE! Learn more.
- Instruct HUD to withdraw the anti-trans shelter rulemaking. DONE! Learn more.
- Drop USDA’s appeal of the district court decision blocking the SNAP time limit rule. DONE! Learn more.
- Withdraw USDA rulemakings to reduce access to SNAP (Broad-Based Categorical Eligibility and Standard Utility Allowances). DONE!
- Revoke E.O. 13828: Reducing Poverty in America by Promoting Opportunity and Economic Mobility. DONE!
- Revoke E.O. 13771 Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs. DONE!
- Roll back the nine rules that give more rights to faith-based organizations than people seeking food, housing, health care, education, and other basic needs.
- Roll back the Trump unemployment insurance drug-testing rule that allows for more expansive testing of applicants for unemployment insurance. This rule costs stigmatizing people out of work, violates people’s 4th amendment rights, and imposes enormous administrative costs on states.
- Extend Unemployment Insurance and increased benefits. Unless Congress acts, on March 14, millions of unemployed workers will lose access to pandemic unemployment assistance, and a supplemental benefit of $300 per week will end abruptly. Congress must extend and expand access to unemployment insurance benefits and ensure benefits are tied to economic conditions, not arbitrary deadlines.
- Invest at least $50 billion for child care in order to save hundreds of thousands of child care jobs and businesses, give families the support they need to go to work or school, ensure businesses have a stable and available workforce, and ensure that we will have a child care system left to return to after the pandemic is over. DONE! Learn more.
- Expand the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) for workers without children; expand the child tax credit to $3,000 per child ($3,600 for younger children) and make sure low and moderate income families can receive the whole credit; and make the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit available to low-income families.
- Provide additional “stimulus” payments, including for adult dependents and mixed-status families.
- Enact a universal eviction moratorium and extended mortgage forbearance, at least $30 billion in additional emergency rental assistance, $28 billion for new housing vouchers, and at least $75 billion in mortgage assistance.
- Provide $8 billion in Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funds for homelessness assistance and $44 billion for the national Housing Trust Fund to help states and localities convert and maintain hotels, motels, and other non-traditional properties into long-term affordable and accessible housing for people experiencing homelessness.
- Provide $1 trillion for state and local government to ensure that they are able to fund and administer many critical programs and services that women and families rely on, including Medicaid, unemployment insurance, public education, and child care assistance.
- Introduce legislation to strengthen unemployment protections: This includes setting federal standards for benefit adequacy, eligibility and duration; bolstering the financing mechanisms and triggers for extended benefits, promoting worksharing, and establishing a Jobseeker’s Allowance for workers who do not have the employment history to qualify for traditional unemployment insurance.
- Introduce and pass a bill that provides the policies and funding needed to achieve an equitable, high-quality, affordable child care for all system that values the educators doing this essential work. Such a bill should meet the legislative principles outlined by NWLC and 187 other organizations in Child Care and Early Learning: Addressing the Urgent Crisis and Investing in the Future.
- Make the tax code more equitable by enacting improvements to refundable tax credits permanent and by rolling back provisions of the 2017 tax law that overwhelmingly benefit the wealthy and large corporations, taxing capital like work, and restoring meaningful taxation of dynastic wealth.
- Make housing a human right a reality by funding universal Section 8 housing vouchers, providing at least $70 billion in funding for public housing to repair and maintain existing units, providing at least $20 billion for the national Housing Trust Fund to increase the stock of affordable and accessible housing, and boosting homelessness assistance funding.
- Mitigate evictions and their subsequent impact for women of color. This could include funding eviction diversion programs, ensuring the right to counsel for tenants facing eviction, excluding eviction records of cases dismissed or decided in the tenant’s favor, and prohibiting the denial of housing on the basis of COVID-related evictions.
- Improve the Fair Housing Act by covering more people experiencing housing discrimination by adding survivor status, source of income, and marital status as protected classes.
- Help more women and families with low incomes put food on their table by boosting nutrition assistance, including boosting SNAP benefits through the Closing the Meal Gap Act, eliminating barriers to maintaining SNAP through the Improving Access to Nutrition Act, and providing universal free school meals.
For Health Care
- Show a commitment to protecting and expanding access to reproductive health care, including abortion. IN PROGRESS. Learn more.
- Rescind the Trump administration rule allowing a range of health care personnel, including receptionists and ambulance drivers, to refuse to help people seeking care, including abortion and sterilization.
- Issue new rulemaking that rescinds and replaces the Trump administration rules that allow virtually any employer or university to deny birth control coverage otherwise required by the Affordable Care Act.
- Undo the Trump administration’s rollback of critical protections against discrimination in health care, and restore and strengthen health care non-discrimination protections. .
- Eliminate harmful budgetary riders that restrict access to reproductive health care, namely the Weldon and Hyde Amendments, and pass a budget with $954 million for the nation’s family planning program (Title X).
- Rescind the devastating global and domestic gag rules, which have jeopardized care for millions of patients in the United States and around the world. IN PROGRESS. Learn more.
- Issue guidance to lift the FDA’s in-person dispensing requirement for mifepristone for the duration of the public health emergency, consistent with similar directives and waivers issued to reduce risk of COVID-19. DONE! Learn more.
- Establish an interagency task force or a high-level office to develop a coordinated federal response to the ongoing crisis in access to reproductive health care crisis, with a particular focus on communities who are most impacted.
- Restore the HHS Office for Civil Rights to its original mission of enhancing and protecting the health and well-being of all Americans, including by closing the “Conscience and Religious Freedom Division,” which was solely focused on emboldening health care providers and institutions to use personal beliefs to discriminate against patients.
- Reopen and investigate complaints alleging the state of California and University of Vermont Medical Center violated federal laws simply for protecting individuals’ access to abortion. While investigating, immediately halt the unprecedented enforcement of taking $200 million in Medicaid funds quarterly from the state of California.
- Rescind the Trump administration’s rule intended to take insurance coverage of abortion away from people enrolled in qualified plans in the Affordable Care Act marketplaces.
- Protect patients’ choice of reproductive health care provider, ensuring that states may not exclude qualified providers of reproductive health care from Medicaid for reasons unrelated to their qualifications, including provision of abortion care.
- Strengthen access to Medicaid coverage for people with low incomes by rescinding the January 2018 Opportunities to Promote Work and Community Engagement Among Medicaid Beneficiaries State Medicaid Director guidance, denying all pending proposals, and withdrawing all approvals.
- Issue guidance on Affordable Care Act section 1332 waivers aimed at improving access to health benefits and services. The guidance should be designed to encourage states to expand coverage for new populations, such as DACA recipients and undocumented immigrants, and to add benefits, and should affirm that waiver applications that do not comply with the four statutory guardrails of comparable services, affordability, number of people covered, and deficit neutrality will be denied. IN PROGRESS. Learn more.
- Establish an Interagency Taskforce and issue regulations to encourage the development of a culture of equity, dignity, respect, and empowerment in health care systems, whereby accountability mechanisms are encouraged and implemented across systems to address discriminatory care, disrespect, mistreatment, and abuse of pregnant individuals based on race, age, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), ability, immigration status, insurance coverage, perceived socioeconomic status, and other factors.
- Strengthen Medicaid programs and maintenance of effort requirements and end policies that undermine them. Incentivize states to expand Medicaid and family planning services, and subsidize higher reimbursement rates for providers. IN PROGRESS. Learn more.
- Expand financial support for health care providers and ensure that any future COVID relief package does not include restrictions on abortion care.
- Pass the Access to Contraception for Servicemembers and Dependents Act, which ensures that all servicemembers and their dependents who rely on the military for health care have comprehensive contraceptive coverage and counseling.
- Pass the Equal Access to Contraception for Veterans Act, which provides birth control at no-cost for veterans accessing care through the Department of Veterans Affairs. IN PROGRESS.
- Pass the Access to Birth Control Act, which ensures people seeking contraception are not refused care at pharmacies.
- Pass the Health Equity and Accountability Act, which addresses inequities in health care access, quality, and outcomes.
- Pass the HEAL for Immigrant Women and Families Act, which expands access to health care services, including sexual, reproductive, and maternal health services, for immigrants.
- Pass the COVID Community Care Act, which addresses disparities in the containment of COVID in underserved communities.
- Pass the Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act, which will fill gaps in existing legislation to comprehensively address multiple dimensions of the Black maternal health crisis in America. IN PROGRESS. Learn more.
- Pass the EACH Act, which would repeal the Hyde Amendment and related abortion coverage restrictions, ensuring that anyone who gets care or insurance through the federal government will be covered for all pregnancy-related care, including abortion. By lifting the bans that deny abortion coverage, the EACH Act ensures that the decision to have an abortion does not depend on a person’s income or how they are insured. IN PROGRESS.
- Pass the Women’s Health Protection Act, which would protect the right to access abortion care by creating a safeguard against bans and medically unnecessary restrictions that do not apply to similar medical care.