Sarah David Heydemann works to advance the Center’s workplace justice agenda to ensure that women can enjoy full security, equality and dignity at work. She engages in state and federal policy advocacy and litigates on issues such as sexual harassment, equal pay, and pregnancy discrimination. Most recently, Sarah practiced union-side labor and employment law at a firm representing unions and workers in litigation in state and federal court as well as in administrative hearings. Before law school, Sarah was an organizer with, among others, the National Guestworker Alliance, DC Jobs with Justice, and UNITE-HERE Local 25, leading campaigns to support low-wage workers across multiple industries. Sarah earned her B.A. in English from Georgetown University, where she organized on behalf of campus workers, and her law degree from Northeastern University School of Law in 2016.
While at Northeastern she organized the Northeastern Employment and Labor Law Alliance, and received a Peggy Browning Fund Fellowship. She was also among the first class of recipients of the Michael Weiner Scholarship for Labor Studies from the MLB Players Trust. Sarah serves on the founding committee of Radfund, a social justice giving circle. She is also a member of the steering committee of the National Lawyers Guild Labor and Employment Committee, and represents the committee on the NLG’s National Executive Board.