Our Lawsuit
On April 17, 2023, NWLC filed a class action lawsuit, along with co-counsel Liu Peterson-Fisher LLP and Altshuler Berzon, LLP, challenging Aetna’s discriminatory coverage policies that require LGBTQ people seeking to get pregnant through fertility treatments to pay more and wait longer to access the fertility benefits covered by their health plans. Mara Berton, the plaintiff in the suit, sued under Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act, which prohibits sex discrimination in health care. She seeks to recoup the significant out-of-pocket costs she and all other Californians similarly situated have incurred, as well as nationwide injunctive relief.
Our Filings
April 17th, 2023: Complaint
September 1st, 2023: Opposition to Motion to Dismiss
February 29, 2024: Order Denying Motion to Dismiss