Abortion rights, women of color, and LGBTQIA+ people are under attack. Pledge to join us in fighting for gender justice.
Read the full Senate letter here. Read the full House letter here.
For the FY 2021 appropriations process, the National Child Care and Early Learning Coalition requests that Congres provide:
• An additional $5 billion for the Child Care and Development Block Grant (a total of $10.826 billion);
• An additional $1.3 billion for Head Start (total of $11.869 billion), including $235.9 million for a cost-of-living adjustment to support the Head Start and Early Head Start workforce, $520.5 million for quality improvement to address the impacts of trauma and adverse childhood experiences (ACES), and $500 million to expand Early Head Start, including for Early Head Start-Child Care Partnerships;
• An additional $787.3 million for early childhood services provided through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), including an additional $497.8 million for Part C (a total of $974.8 million) and an additional $289.5 million for Part B, Section 619 programs (a total of $683.5 million); and
• An additional $125 million for the Preschool Development Grants Birth through Five (PDG B-5) program (a total of $400 million).
The coalition letters here were signed by 60 national organizations that support these significant increased investments for Federal child care and early learning programs.