NWLC Statement on President Biden’s Emergency Child Care Funding Request to Congress
Washington, DC – President Joe Biden released his domestic emergency aid priorities to Congress today, which includes $16 billion for emergency child care funding — which is the same amount of emergency funding that the National Women’s Law Center (NWLC) has repeatedly called for in order to prevent a major reduction in child care spots, staffing shortages, and increased prices after crucial child care funding expired on September 30.
See below for a statement from Fatima Goss Graves, President and CEO of the National Women’s Law Center:
“President Biden is a champion for women and families, and today’s request for $16 billion in emergency child care funding is further proof of his commitment to ensuring that all families have the opportunity to succeed.
“We urge Congress to heed President Biden’s calls and swiftly pass this emergency funding for child care, which will help avert a looming child care crisis that would harm our families and hamper our economy.”
Earlier this year, NWLC led a memo with 15 other groups outlining the need for $16 billion in emergency child care funding to avert a child care crisis ahead of the American Rescue Plan dollars expiring in September. Last month, NWLC led a letter along with nearly 1,000 organizations from all 50 states representing providers and and advocates that urges Congress to invest at least $16 billion per year in emergency child care funding.
The White House’s request comes as the expiration of American Rescue Plan Act dollars in September have already begun to hit families and providers in states across the country.