NWLC Urges President Biden to Prioritize $16 Billion for Child Care in Emergency Aid Request to Congress
Washington, DC – Following the Biden administration’s release of its emergency aid priorities to Congress, the National Women’s Law Center (NWLC) released a statement urging President Biden to champion a critical investment of $16 billion to prevent an impending child care crisis that threatens to destabilize families, slow economic growth, and jeopardize our workforce.
“We are deeply disappointed that the President’s request for emergency aid does not include the $16 billion that is needed to prevent a looming child care crisis in our country,” said Whitney Pesek, Director of Federal Child Care Policy at the National Women’s Law Center. “If Congress does not continue the funding that will be lost after September 30, it is inevitable that child care programs will either close or be forced to raise their rates, putting an even greater strain on families and the economy. We cannot allow this to happen, which is why we urge the President to join us in strongly calling on Congress to pass $16 billion in emergency relief to address the looming supply crisis.”
On September 30, the American Rescue Plan Act stabilization dollars that saved the child care sector from collapse will expire. NWLC, alongside 15 partner organizations, is calling for an immediate investment of at least $16 billion in emergency funding to rescue the child care sector from collapse. Congressional leaders from both chambers have united in calling on President Biden to support this emergency funding as well, and the National Women’s Law Center is committed to working with members of Congress to ensure that child care funding is included before the supplemental bill becomes law.