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NWLC In The Press

Why is Trump’s nomination of Steven Menashi to one of the most powerful courts in the US so ‘outrageous’?

Anna Chu, of the National Women’s Law Centre, said: “Shame on those in congress who pushed this outrageous vote through. Menashi’s record of undermining the fundamental rights of women and communities of colour could now shape laws for decades...

Tax the Patriarchy

That last claim is the contention of three new reports produced by the National Women’s Law Center and several other research and advocacy groups. They analyze the tax code through the lens of gender and conclude that...

The Trump Administration Is Giving Family Planning Funds to a Network of Anti-Abortion Clinics

“Even if Obria was offering the full range of contraceptive services, which from what I’m able to tell they are not, they don’t have experience doing family planning and serving these populations,” said Gandal-Powers of...

Federal judge strikes down Trump administration’s conscience rule for health care workers

"The Trump-Pence Administration will stop at nothing to strip patients of the care they deserve," Fatima Goss Graves, the president and CEO of the National Women's Law Center, said when the rule was first announced, calling...

School dress codes unfairly target Black girls. But students are fighting back

Dress Coded II: Protest, Progress and Power in D.C. Schools, the NWLC’s groundbreaking report on the issue, documents discrimination faced by Black girls attending public and charter schools in Washington, D.C., as well as their...

Introducing The 2019 Woke 100

As the president and CEO of the National Women’s Law Center, Graves champions gender equality in every facet of life. As a cofounder of the Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund, she helps pay legal fees...