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All Topics

General Health Care & Coverage

Our health care system must guarantee that people get the health care they need, free from discrimination and without cost as a barrier.

Discrimination in Health Care

For decades, insurance companies discriminated against women. They charged women more or denied coverage altogether. They didn’t cover women’s health services. The health care law stopped this discrimination. We must ensure the law’s promise is fulfilled.

Expanding Health Coverage

Under the health care law, millions of women and families who didn’t have health insurance before are now able to get the coverage they need. But we have to keep the law strong against attacks.

Health Benefits

Thanks to the health care law, women have coverage for critical health services, like maternity care, prescription drugs, and chronic disease management. And the law provides no-cost coverage of contraception, breastfeeding supplies, and well-woman visits.

Medicaid & Medicare

Medicaid and Medicare are critical sources of public health insurance that many women ― particularly low-income women ― depend on. We’ve got to make sure these programs are accessible to the women and families who need them.

Pregnancy & Parenting

For women who are pregnant or parenting, finding the health care they need, getting necessary medical accommodations on the job, or continuing their educations can be a significant challenge.

Reforming Insurance Practices

The health care law’s reforms are historic for women. Insurance is now more affordable and comprehensive. And the law put an end to unfair practices like denying coverage due to pre-existing conditions and putting lifetime limits on coverage.


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