The nation is in the middle of a pandemic that is closing schools throughout the country and putting students and school staff at risk. Remote learning exacerbates the already unequal education system, as students who lack devices and internet access and whose parents have to work fall further behind. Families are facing eviction and hunger. Meanwhile, the Trump Administration and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell refuse to work on relief for Americans so that they can instead push through Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination in the middle of an election and a pandemic. The Senate must stop this sham nomination process and focus on the relief and care the country needs.
If confirmed to the Supreme Court, Amy Coney Barrett will likely rule on issues that are key to educational equity, such as the treatment of survivors of school sexual harassment, the rights of transgender students, and the consideration of race, along with other factors, in college admission decisions. Judge Barrett’s opinions and speeches show that she will use her position of power to limit the rights of survivors and transgender students and restrict colleges’ ability to ensure racial diversity among students. For the good of students, she should not be confirmed to this lifetime appointment.