The Trump Administration is once again attempting to allow health care discrimination.
The Health Care Rights Law – also known as – Section 1557 marked the first time that sex discrimination in health care was broadly prohibited by federal law. This provided critical protections for anyone who faces gender-based discrimination — from being denied necessary health care coverage because of your gender identity, to being harassed by a provider because you had an abortion. Just three years ago the Obama Administration stated unequivocally that health insurance companies, hospitals, and other health programs could not discriminate, but the Trump Administration wants to roll back these protections. They want to return us to a time when health insurers could refuse to cover needed health care because of someone’s gender identity or harass someone because they have had an abortion.
The National Women’s Law Center and Advocates for Youth have joined forces in presenting a webinar and compiling resources so that we can all ensure that our voices are heard by the administration!
(Re)Watch the Webinar!
Read the Fact Sheet!
Download the PowerPoint:
How Section 1557 Affects Young and/or Trans and Gender Non-Conforming Individuals (.xlsx)
How Section 1557 Affects Young and/or Trans and Gender Non-Conforming Individuals (.pdf)
And most importantly, comment on the proposed rule through these links!