Men like J.D. Vance, Elon Musk, Donald Trump, and RFK Jr. want to control our bodies, our families, and our futures. Show them you aren’t afraid to break hearts (and fight for your rights) by making a special Valentine’s Day donation in their names to the National Women’s Law Center.
All lawyers in NWLC’s Legal Network have agreed to provide an initial consultation free of charge for clients who learn of them through the Legal Network. When contacting lawyers that NWLC provides to you, you may let them know that NWLC provided you with their name, and confirm that the initial consultation will be free of charge. While some lawyers who participate in the network may occasionally take certain cases pro bono or for a reduced fee, this is not the case for all lawyers in the Network. With any attorney, it is important to understand how you will be billed, and receive a written fee agreement that explains what fees will be charged.
Todxs lxs abogadxs de la Red Legal de NWLC han acordado brindar una consulta inicial gratuita para lxs clientes que se enteren de ellxs a través de la Red Legal. Cuando se comunique con abogadxs que el NWLC le ofrezca, puede hacerles saber que NWLC le proporcionó su nombre y confirme que la consulta inicial será gratuita. Mientras que algunxs abogadxs que participan en la red pueden ocasionalmente tomar ciertos casos pro bono, o por una tarifa reducida, ese no es el caso con todxs lxs abogadxs en la red. Con cualquier abogadx, es importante entender cómo se le va a cobrar y recibir un acuerdo de honorarios por escrito que explique los cargos que cobrará.