In 2021, South Dakota introduced H.B. 1217, a bill that would require all students in kindergarten through graduate school to submit documentation every year regarding their sex assigned “at or before birth” in order to play on any sex-separated sports team, intramural through varsity. NWLC submitted written testimony opposing this harmful bill and later led a sign-on letter to the governor urging her to veto the bill. Unfortunately, while the governor did veto the bill, she also issued two executive orders that banned transgender girls and women from playing on girls’ and women’s sports teams in public K-12 schools and in all institutions of higher education. The 2021 executive orders were later found to be unenforceable, resulting in the introduction of a similar bill, S.B. 46, in 2022. NWLC submitted written testimony opposing S.B. 46 as well.