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Listen and Subscribe to NWLC’s Podcast Hearsay!

Welcome to Hearsay, NWLC’s podcast, where we dive deep into the cultural moments that live rent free in our heads—and probably yours too. 

Each episode, join our multigenerational hosts Jessica, Hilary, and Lark as they discuss how gender, power, and the law impact pop culture. We discuss major moments like Janet Jackson at the 2004 Superbowl, the shifts of abortion narratives in the media during the 2000s and 2010s, and the groundbreaking TV show Living Single simply existing.  Then we interview experts and friends of the Law Center, everyone from lawyers who focus on the labor rights of reality TV stars, to authors revolutionizing the romance genre, to policy leaders advocating for intersectional workers about the real implications of these events and what they mean for the gender justice movement. Here’s just a little bit about our hosts:

Jessica (she/her), Media Relations Manager: Gen-Z, lover of fluffy TV shows, commentary YouTube videos, and romance books, and is often mouth-agape while Hilary and Lark are spilling tea.

Lark (she/her), Senior Manager, Creative + Digital Strategies: Pop culture-obsessed Millennial who is most likely to derail Hilary and Jessica with some random fact from an obscure reality show the world has long forgotten.

Hilary (she/her), Director of Strategic Communications: A Gen-Xer with two kids and a pickleball obsession who holds the NWLC record for most Slack messages sent and always has something to say about reading, baking, the weather, and women’s soccer.

Subscribe now to Hearsay wherever you get your podcasts!

Season 2

Episode 1


Season 1

Episode 1


Season 1

Episode 2


Season 1

Episode 3


Season 1

Episode 4


Season 1

Episode 5


Season 1

Episode 6


Season 1

Episode 7


Season 1

Episode 8
