In 2019, more than 1 in 10 (11.4%) adult, non-elderly women (ages 19-64) did not have health insurance. In 2013, before the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was fully implemented, nearly 1 in 5 (18.6%) adult, non-elderly women were uninsured. The uninsurance rate fell by nearly 8 percentage points to 10.7% in 2016 as the ACA was being fully implemented. But the uninsurance rate climbed back up slightly over the course of the Trump Administration, which brought multiple attempts to undermine the ACA.

Uninsurance rates in 2019 were even higher for Latinas (23.3%), Native American women (22.1%), and Black women (12.0%) in the same age group. For both Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) women ages 19-64 and white, non-Hispanic women ages 19-64, the uninsurance rate was 7.9%. In 2013, 36.4% of Latinas, 32.2% of Native American women, 21.6% of Black women, and 17.3% of AAPI women ages 19-64 were uninsured. For white, non-Hispanic women in the same age group, the uninsurance rate was 13.3% in 2013.

The 2019 rates of uninsurance reveal that even years after full implementation of the Affordable Care Act, Latina, Native American, and Black women still lag behind in health coverage. Even though coverage rates have improved, these groups continue to experience the highest rates of uninsurance.

Click on a state below to see its 2019 uninsurance rate for women overall, 2013 (pre-ACA implementation) uninsurance rate for women overall, and 2019 uninsurance rates for AAPI women, Black women, Latinas, Native American women, and white, non-Hispanic women.

Source Note: NWLC calculations based on U.S. Census Bureau, 2013 and 2019 American Community Survey (ACS), 1-year estimates, using IPUMS USA, University of Minnesota, available at Figures are for the 19 to 64 age group in order to remain consistent with annual U.S. Census Bureau reports on health insurance coverage. Uninsurance figures capture ACS respondents who indicated that they did not have any of the following forms of health insurance coverage at the time of the interview: employer-provided health insurance, privately purchased insurance, Medicare, Medicaid or other governmental insurance, TRICARE or other military care, or insurance provided by the Veterans’ Administration. Respondents are also considered uninsured if their only form of coverage is provided by the Indian Health Service. ACS respondents self-identify their sex as either male or female. Black women are those who self-identified their race as Black or African American. Latinas are those who self-identified as being of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin. Latinas may be of any race. Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) women are those who self-identified as Asian or Pacific Islander, and Native American women are those who self-identified as American Indian or Alaska Native. For more information, see the ACS 2019 questionnaire.