In this moment, the future of our rights, our bodily autonomy, our freedom feels uncertain.
The National Women’s Law Center will be vigilantly defending against attacks on our rights and for opportunities to expand them.
In this moment, the future of our rights, our bodily autonomy, our freedom feels uncertain.
The National Women’s Law Center will be vigilantly defending against attacks on our rights and for opportunities to expand them.
Will you join us in restoring our country back to its promise for all of us? Every donation is 100% tax-deductible.
Abortion is love, community, and justice personified, and there’s no place for stigma in our movement. To show up effectively, we need to make sure we’re not stigmatizing the very thing we’re fighting for—abortion care for anyone and everyone who needs it! Our “Destigmatizing Abortion” series breaks down some of the mistakes a lot of us can make in our advocacy journey and provides you with effective alternatives to use when talking to your community about why you fight for abortion access.
@nationalwomenslawcenter everyone loves someone who’s had an abortion (which! is! just! health! care!)—let’s destigmatize it together! ❤️ #prochoice ♬ Emotional (Instrumental) – BLVKSHP
@nationalwomenslawcenter there is no one abortion story, and it sure as hell isn’t this! let’s continue destigmatizing abortion together💕 #prochoice ♬ original sound – NWLC
@nationalwomenslawcenter abortion is a safe and effective medical procedure—full stop. let’s keep destigmatizing it so we can get to work 💪🥰 #prochoice ♬ original sound – NWLC
@nationalwomenslawcenter abortion ensures a safe and healthy life—everyone wants that! 💫 #BillboardNXT #FlauntItChallenge #prochoice #feminism #abortion #reproductiverights ♬ Fashionable and sweet sounding R & B(822411) – sounds track lab
@nationalwomenslawcenter it’s a new year, and we’re continuing our journey to destigmatize abortion together—just not like this. #prochoice #abortion #reproductiverights #iud ♬ THIS MOMENT WITH YOU – Larry Castle
@nationalwomenslawcenter we love ALL abortion stories, and you should too! let’s keep destigmatizing together❤️ #abortion #roe #roevwade #prochoice #scotus #supremecourt #abortionrights #birthcontrol #iud #kbj #rbg #reproductiverights #keepyourlawsoffmybody #womensrights #feminism #bansoffourbodies ♬ original sound – NWLC
@nationalwomenslawcenter we can help destigmatize abortion by getting clear on who gets them, and who is impacted by restrictions most! 💘 #abortion #scotus #roevwade #roe #scotusupdate #abortionrights #abortionaccess #reproductiverights #parentsoftiktok #parents #momsoftiktok #feminism #rbg #kbj #keepyourlawsoffmybody #keepyourlawsoffmyuterus #keepyourlawsoffourbodies #keepyourlawsofftheirbodies ♬ original sound – NWLC
@nationalwomenslawcenter let’s keep destigmatizing, besties! 💘 #roe #roevwade #dobbs #dobbsvjackson #dobbsvjacksonwomenshealth #aborshun #aborshunishealthcare #aborshunrights #proaborshun #womensrights #transrights #womenshealth #transhealth #mutualaid #leftist #dems #feminism #feminist #birthcontrol #iud ♬ original sound – NWLC