While Black women transformed the political landscape of Georgia in 2020, many still feel that their core issues of concern—reproductive freedom and economic security—are shortchanged by their government officials. These findings highlight the gaps between the priorities of Georgia’s Black women voters and elected officials, while also demonstrating that Black women voters and white voters are motivated by the same core issues.
In Georgia, the National Women’s Law Center collaborated with 9to5 Georgia to commission this poll. The survey was administered by Vision Strategy and Insights during a three-week period, from August 4 through August 21, 2022. The survey encompassed a total of 505 online interviews, 300 among Black women voters and 205 among white voters (102 women and 103 men). The survey also included a readable sample of lower-income voters (defined as income less than $60,000). Respondents were specifically targeted as likely to vote in the November 2022 midterm election (six or more on a 10-point scale) and represent a diverse spread across political ideologies.