NWLC Joins Amicus Brief to the U.S. Supreme Court Defending Medicaid Patients’ Right to Choose Their Health Care Providers
NWLC Leads Amicus Brief to the Fourth Circuit Defending Prisoners Rights to Be Free From Shackling Before, During, and After Childbirth and to Access Medication for Opioid Use Disorder Regardless of Pregnancy Status
NWLC Joins Amicus Brief to the U.S. Supreme Court Defending the Affordable Care Act’s Expert-Recommended Preventive Health Care Services Coverage Requirement
NWLC Files Amicus Brief in the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals In Support of Workplace Harassment Victims’ Right to Their Day in Court
NWLC Files Amicus Briefs in the Fifth & Tenth Circuit Courts of Appeals Supporting the Department of Education’s Title IX Rule
NWLC Files Amicus Brief in the Appellate Court of Maryland Supporting Intersectional Claims under State and Local Law
NWLC Files Amicus Brief Defending PWFA Regulations from Challenge by Louisiana and the U.S. Conference of Bishops, et al.
NWLC Files Amicus Brief Defending Pregnant Workers Fairness Act Regulations from Challenge by Tennessee and 16 Additional States