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NWLC Responds to Historic Abuse of Power by Senate Republicans to Confirm Judge Barrett
The following is a statement by Fatima Goss Graves, president and CEO of the National Women’s Law Center (NWLC):
“The rush to confirm Judge Barrett only one week before the election is an abuse of power that none of us will forget. Millions of people have already voted across the country, and this illegitimate process betrays all of us. Judge Barrett’s hearings inspired zero confidence that she would rule fairly when considering anyone whose personal lives and views don’t line up with hers. She skirted over a hundred questions, and refused to affirm some of our basic civil rights. Yet today, senate Republicans are revealing their priorities and forcing her confirmation. They’ve spent the last weeks putting this process before working on a COVID relief effort or ensuring it’s possible for people to participate in a free and fair election. With everything on the line, it’s unacceptable for our leaders to choose politics over people.”