NWLC Responds to Administration’s Attack on Title X Family Planning Program
The following is a statement by Fatima Goss Graves, President and CEO of the National Women’s Law Center (NWLC):
“Our health care decisions are personal, but the Trump-Pence Administration can’t seem to stop interfering in them. These radical changes to the nation’s Title X family planning program are part of the Administration’s relentless attack on reproductive health care, including abortion, that deeply harms patients across the country. Four million people rely on Title X for their reproductive and other essential care. And for many patients, Title X providers are their only ongoing source of health care and health education. This rule will spell disaster for those who need the program the most, especially individuals struggling to make ends meet. We will continue to fight against these ruthless attempts by the Administration to control our rights to our own bodies and lives.”
For immediate release: February 22, 2019
Contact: Inés Rénique ([email protected])