Limited Match: 2x the Impact

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Title IX Tote

$21,178 of $50,000 goal

Now every gift MATCHED, up to $50,000, but only until midnight on June 30.

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Contribute Stock

An outright gift of appreciated securities, or stock, is a quick and easy way to make a meaningful gift and to receive an income tax deduction for the fair market value of the stock at the time of the gift.

Please note that it is very important for you to notify the Center when you are making a gift of securities. Without such notice, the Center’s broker may not know that a gift of stock is intended for the Center. Please contact the Center’s Development office at (202) 588-5180 or email [email protected], so that we will know to expect your gift.

Delivery Instructions

All deliveries must include the donor’s name and FCC account number.

Your stock broker can transfer all DTC Eligible Securities to:

DTC #: 0141
(National Women’s Law Center; A/C # 3135-5927)

For mail or hand delivery of stock certificates, the address is:

World Financial Services
Attention:  Bruce Auerbach
270 Madison Avenue, Suite 1503
New York, NY  10016
Tax ID # 52-1213010

The stock transfer should note that it is for:
Further Credit (National Women’s Law Center; A/C # 3135-5927)