How Trump Has Threatened Women and Families in His First 100 Days

Donald Trump has been President of the United States for nearly a whole 100 days (We know. It feels so much longer to us, too). In that time, he’s already broken a number of campaign promises. For example, remember how he swore he’d “drain the swamp?” Neither does he, or his family, or the dozens of former lobbyists and other representatives of corporate interests currently working in his Administration.
And thanks to immense popular resistance (and the continued existence of Constitutional separation of powers), he’s sustained some significant losses, too — all wins for women and families. He failed to win the confirmation of extreme anti-woman nominee Andy Puzder as Secretary of Labor. He failed to secure the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, allowing 24 million people to keep their health insurance. He failed to enact an anti-immigrant, anti-refugee executive order that could stand up in court – twice. And he failed to take money from state and local governments as punishment for not using limited resources to enforce immigration laws the federal government is tasked with enforcing.
But when you have as many bad plans as Trump (aided by his allies in Congress), it’s possible to not win every single time, yet still do a lot to undermine women and families. And in the last 100 days, Trump has managed to do quite a bit of damage to a lot of our most important issues.
 Reproductive Rights and Health
From his very first day in office, the Trump Administration has attacked women’s health by:

Workplace Justice
Not content just to make life harder where our health is concerned, he also did his best to make our lives harder at work by:

Compared with his predecessors, observers have noted that Trump is much less intellectually inclined. So it’s not exactly shocking that his administration would also attack education by:

  • Appointing the first Secretary of Education who has never worked in, attended, or been a parent of a student at a public school, and who has spent decades funding efforts to undermine public education
  • Rescinding Title IX guidance from the Department of Education that protected trans students in schools and programs that receive federal funding
  • Siding with student loan companies over student borrowers
  • Issuing an Executive Order that disparages the federal role in education – a role the federal government took on in order to protect students’ civil rights

 Tax & Budget
Donald Trump still hasn’t released his tax returns like he promised, so we still don’t know whether or how much Trump pays in taxes, whether he will benefit from his own tax plan, or whether he’s got any troubling business ties to companies and countries working against America’s best interests. But he’s definitely threatened everyone else’s economic security by:

 Targeting Marginalized Women & Communities
Donald Trump’s presidency is scary enough for native-born, straight, cis and/or white women. For women who are also people of color, LGBTQ, and/or who come from different countries (or whose families come from different countries), and for all women who want to live free of state violence and domestic violence, his 100 day attacks have been magnified, by:

It’s been a long 100 days, but this is also just the beginning of our fight to stop the worst of the Trump agenda, and to advance our best interests instead. So just in case you’re not “sick of winning” yet, sign our We the Resistance manifesto, brush up on ways you can have an impact, and definitely stay informed and ready to act.