Keeping the Health Care Law Strong
The Center helped pass landmark health care legislation in 2010, known as the Affordable Care Act, and today we are working to keep the law strong for women and their families. The law stopped insurers’ previous practices of charging women more than men, excluding coverage for maternity care and treating domestic violence and Cesarean sections like pre-existing conditions. We released a ground-breaking report on insurance companies’ discriminatory practices, launched a high-profile public education campaign and mobilized supporters to successfully push for the law’s passage.
Today, the Center is ensuring that the law works for women by monitoring insurance company compliance and other aspects of the law’s implementation.
Chris Turner, a Florida woman denied insurance coverage on the grounds that her rape was a “pre-existing condition,” said: “I’m so grateful to the National Women’s Law Center for helping this issue get the attention it deserves. Thanks in part to NWLC’s hard work, we now have a health reform law that prohibits insurance companies from denying applications and excluding coverage for women with ‘pre-existing’ conditions.“