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The Legal Network for Gender Equity and the TIME’S UP Legal Defense Fund hosted this webinar “Restorative Justice for Workplace Sex Harassment and Sexual Violence” on Thursday, June 24, 2021.
The presentation included an introduction to the concept and underlying principles of restorative justice; a discussion of modern examples of the application of restorative justice in situations involving interpersonal violence; and a discussion of how restorative justice principles may be applied in situations involving workplace sex harassment, including advantages and disadvantages for survivors and critical questions to answer before considering such an approach.
Our speakers included:
• Ana Avendaño, Adjunct Professor of Law, University of Texas at Austin & CUNY Schools of Law
• Julie Goldscheid, Professor of Law, CUNY School of Law
• nuri nusrat, Facilitator, The Ahimsa Collective
• Jasmyn Story, International Restorative Justice Facilitator; Founder, The People’s Coalition
The slides available for download are from the latter half of the webinar, featuring presentations by Ana Avendaño and Julie Goldscheid. Copies of the slides from the first half of the webinar are available by request (via e-mail) to [email protected].