Although the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) is delivering desperately needed support to
millions of women and families who have been impacted by COVID-19 and its related recession and will
help start the process of building an equitable recovery, short-term relief is not enough. Ensuring an
equitable recovery will also require addressing both the long-term impacts of the COVID-19 recession
and the deep underlying flaws in our economy and our nation’s existing systems and structures, which
made the pandemic disproportionately devastating for women, and especially women of color.
Any path to an equitable recovery from the pandemic and towards dismantling the many longstanding
systemic barriers starts with accurate data, research, and analysis. The Biden-Harris administration
should strive to collect data in a consistent manner on the basis of race/ethnicity, sex, sexual
orientation, gender identity, disability status, caregiver or parental status (including by child’s age),
pregnancy status, and other key measures in order to allow policymakers and the public an accurate
understanding of disparate experiences and barriers to well-being across communities and to shape
policies to forward equitable solutions.