Housing is the cornerstone of what every person needs to survive and thrive. It impacts every aspect of our lives—education, health, economic security, access to child care, and more. The COVID-19 pandemic and its resulting economic fallout have laid bar the desperate need for a stronger social safety net. To keep people safely housed during the pandemic, the federal government took unprecedented action, implementing a national eviction moratorium, allocating historic funds for emergency rental assistance, and providing significant resources to address the urgent housing needs of people experiencing homelessness, who are at elevated risk of COVID-19 infection, complications, and mortality.
COVID-19 emergency funds are running out and there is insufficient funding to provide aid to eligible families that need help amidst the soaring rent prices across the United States. Unfortunately, there are several proposals in Congress to cut rental assistance.
This factsheet, co-authored with the National Low Income Housing Coalition, highlights what these harmful cuts would do to people who so desperately need support to remain housed.