The National Women’s Law Center (NWLC), joined by 39 other gender justice, sexual assault survivor, and civil rights organizations, submitted a comment strongly opposing the Virginia Department of Education’s 2022 model school rules. Where adopted, these proposed rules would require schools to engage in unlawful discrimination against transgender and nonbinary students. The letter emphasizes connections between rules that seek to punish LGBTQI+ youth for existing and the enforcement of sex stereotypes and body policing that harm all girls and women in school, especially trans girls, queer girls, and Black and brown girls. NWLC was joined in this comment by:

Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia

Virginia National Organization for Women (NOW)

Advocates for Youth

American Association of University Women

American Humanist Association

Athlete Ally

CenterLink: The Community of LGBT Centers

Clearinghouse on Women’s issues

Education Law Center PA

End Rape on Campus

Equal Rights Advocates

Equality California

Family Equality

Feminist Majority Foundation


Freedom From Religion Foundation

Gender Justice

Gender Spectrum


Inclusion Playbook

interACT: Advocates for Intersex Youth

Legal Momentum, the Women’s Legal Defense and Education Fund


Minority Veterans of America

National Black Justice Coalition

National Center for Transgender Equality

National Center for Youth Law

National Council of Jewish Women

National LGBTQ+ Bar Association

National Women’s Political Caucus

Oasis Legal Services

People for the American Way

Physicians for Reproductive Health

SIECUS: Sex Ed for Social Change

The Advocacy Institute

The Sikh Coalition

The Trevor Project

Union for Reform Judaism

Women’s Law Project