Three years after #MeToo went viral, the unleashed power of survivor voices has led to more than 230 bills being introduced in state legislatures to strengthen protections against workplace harassment and a remarkable 19 states enacting new protections. Although many of these laws are just starting to take effect, initial reports from the ground show both that they are making a difference in many crucial ways, but that this progress is incomplete. Indeed, states have been slow to adopt some of the reforms that promise to make the biggest difference for those most marginalized by harassment and for preventing workplace harassment.
As state legislative sessions began in 2020, energy remained high for advancing Me Too reforms. Nearly 400 state legislators from 42 states and the District of Columbia—from both sides of the aisle—joined the #20StatesBy2020 pledge declaring their commitment to supporting and working with survivors to strengthen protections against sexual harassment in 20 states by 2020.