NWLC Responds to the Supreme Court’s Ruling on the 2020 Census Citizenship Question
(Washington, D.C) Today, the Supreme Court blocked the Trump Administration’s proposed “citizenship question” – a query on the 2020 census that would ask U.S. residents whether they are citizens. In the Court’s ruling, they deemed that the sole stated reason for including the question “seems to have been contrived.” While the case has been sent back to the Southern District of New York for more proceedings, it seems unlikely that there is enough time for the question to be instated on the 2020 census.
The following is a statement by Sunu Chandy, Legal Director, National Women’s Law Center:
“The Department of Commerce and the administration should abandon their fear campaign to suppress participation of immigrant communities, and instead proceed – without delay – with preparations for a 2020 census that does not include a citizenship question. In this moment we must all join together to affirm the critical importance of the census for universal representation and access for all communities to resources, funding, education, health centers and more. The National Women’s Law Center, along with our partners, will work to ensure everyone, especially immigrant communities, are able to fully participate in the 2020 census.”
For immediate release: June 27, 2019
Contact: Inés Rénique, [email protected]