NWLC Reacts to Senate Judiciary Committee’s Hearing on Unconstitutional Abortion Ban
The following is a statement by Fatima Goss Graves, President and CEO of the National Women’s Law Center (NWLC):
“Today’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the possibility of instituting an unconstitutional 20-week abortion ban makes patients’ lives and health care a political game. Make no mistake: this latest ruse is not just about abortions later in pregnancy. It is another blow in the Trump-Pence Administration’s all-out attempt to gut Roe, outlaw abortion, and criminalize women for controlling their own bodies.
A patient’s health should be prioritized over attempts by politicians to get reelected. The provocative, inaccurate lies about abortion being spread by this Administration and its allies completely strip pregnant people of their dignity and medical needs, putting their health in jeopardy. All while politicians are simultaneously using this ruse to distract our country from this Administration’s own severe attacks on pregnant women and mothers, including separating families at the border and denying mothers any attempt to eliminate the wage gap and provide adequately for their families. The Administration is trying to bury us in countless, unrelenting attacks on our health and reproductive rights to weaken and silence us, but we will not cave. We will join together and rise up and defeat this latest, cowardly attack on our freedom.”
For immediate release: April 9, 2019
Contact: Olympia Feil, [email protected]