NWLC Reacts to President Trump’s State of the Union Address
The following is a statement by Fatima Goss Graves, President and CEO of the National Women’s Law Center:
“The President’s theme last night was ‘choosing greatness,’ but instead he perpetuated falsehoods, fueled fear, and offered hollow calls for unity. He conveniently ignored the government shutdown that put hundreds of thousands out of work and hurt their ability to support themselves and their families. Trump shined a deserving spotlight on veterans in the room but left their equally heroic trans brothers and sisters in uniform in the dark. He talked about childhood cancer, but continues to leave children in cages every night, facing a lifetime of ramifications that we can’t even begin to imagine. He spread lies about abortion in order to push laws that put women’s lives at risk. He touted a “paid family leave” plan that would benefit the few and fall woefully short for workers with low incomes and wages. We will not get behind that distorted vision of America. Instead, we are ready for a renewed commitment to social and economic justice for all.”
For immediate release: February 6, 2019
Contact: Maria Patrick ([email protected])