Abortion Storytellers and Providers Storm SCOTUS at Rally; Meet with Senators
Abortion Activists Hold Speak Out and Lobby Day in Support of Roe v. Wade
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Advocates for Youth, Planned Parenthood Action Fund, the National Network of Abortion Funds, and the National Women’s Law Center will host a Speakout and Lobby Day that will center the voices of those who have had abortions and abortion providers, in speaking out against the danger of confirming Brett Kavanaugh—Donald Trump’s historically unpopular nominee for Justice Kennedy’s seat on the Supreme Court—to the U.S. Supreme Court.
The day of action will begin with a rally and Speakout on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court, where storytellers will share their personal abortion experiences. Storytellers will deliver the stories of over 1000 people who have experienced abortion to Senators to let them know that the fight for abortion access isn’t going away.
“Women and girls’ fundamental right to reproductive freedom and the ability to choose if, how, and when to become parents is on the line,” Deb Hauser, President of Advocates for Youth, says. “We cannot allow Kavanaugh and his radical, anti-women agenda a seat on this country’s highest court. Personal stories are powerful, and we hope legislators will finally understand the importance of stopping Kavanagh when they hear directly from women why the right to choose is such a fundamental part of health care.
“Women are rising up to tell their abortion stories and stop Kavanaugh’s confirmation, but will Senators listen?” said Fatima Goss Graves, President and CEO of the National Women’s Law Center. “Women know the stakes, and they’re terrified at the idea that future generations could have fewer rights than we have today. We deserve a Supreme Court justice that will respect all our rights, including the constitutional right to abortion.”
“With the announced SCOTUS nomination of Brett Kavanaugh, all of us fighting for abortion access have been activated by the rising threat against our rights, and the fear of losing fights that come to the Supreme Court,” says Yamani Hernandez, Executive Director of the National Network of Abortion Funds. “The 70 abortion funds in our network know firsthand that abortion barriers most impact people who can least afford to take time off from work or school, to travel hundreds of miles, find childcare and lodging, and are dealing with unjust immigration and carceral systems. That’s why supporting people of color and our reproductive health care decision-making directly translates into making sure we can have the abortions we want and need on our own terms. Anything less is irresponsible and regressive.”
“This fight is personal. People are speaking up and sharing their stories. We call on each senator to listen to the thousands of calls, letters, and voices asking them to protect their health and lives by rejecting Kavanaugh,” said Dawn Laguens, executive vice president of Planned Parenthood Action Fund. “The constitutional right to have an abortion is at stake. Our ability to get health care and to live free of discrimination is at stake. People’s voices must be heard because it is their lives at stake.”
Following the Speakout, storytellers and activists will march to Capitol Hill, where they will share their stories with targeted Senators from Alaska, Maine, North Dakota, Indiana, West Virginia and Alabama, to ensure legislators hear from real people as they make a decision that will impact all of our lives.
The day of action marks the kick-off for “Justice Rising: Women United to Stop Kavanaugh,” a week of action by women and allies to thwart Senate Republicans’ egregious effort to rush Brett Kavanaugh through a sham confirmation process.
Speakout & Rally
- What: Speakout and Rally Against Brett Kavanaugh
- When: TODAY, Monday, August 20, 2018; 12PM
- Where: Supreme Court of the United States steps
Lobby Day
- What: Lobby Day
- When/Where: August 20, 2018
For immediate release: August 20, 2018
Contact: Olympia Feil ([email protected])