Plaintiffs in abortion cases currently in the court system: “We can’t be afraid”
“The reality is that this is the biggest risk to Roe seen in my lifetime and the risk is real. Most people are in agreement that Roe shouldn’t be overturned. It’s certainly alarming that it may be now, but I think the alarm is warranted,” Heather Shumaker, senior counsel at the National Women’s Law Center, said in a phone interview. Advertisement “It’s no accident that there are so many cases in the pipeline that we could see in the Supreme Court in the next few years,” Shumaker said. “Over the last eight years, there has been an effort by the anti-choice movement to push legislation in states with governors sympathetic to anti-abortion beliefs, to push these very types of restrictions that could make it to the Supreme Court.” Shumaker said that since the 2016 ruling on Whole Woman’s Health, many states have moved away from TRAP — or targeted regulation of abortion providers — laws, such as those struck down by the Court in 2016, to the kinds of laws that might be argued as credible under that frameworks.