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NWLC In The Press

Both sides on abortion agree: Roe is in play now

“The stakes have never been higher,” said Fatima Goss Graves, president and CEO of the National Women’s Law Center. “It’s time to fight hard for the future of our democracy.”

Justice Anthony Kennedy to retire, giving Trump a chance to shift Supreme Court sharply right

“Justice Kennedy’s retirement sounds the alarm over the future of civil rights in this country,” Fatima Goss Graves, president of the National Women’s Law Center, said shortly after the announcement. “Make no mistake, Kennedy’s retirement means the balance...

Notre Dame faces lawsuit, accused of denying copay-free birth control

Notre Dame issued this terse one-sentence response from Paul Browne, the vice president of public affairs and communications: "The assertions on the face of it are maliciously and preposterously false." From the National Women’s Law Center:...

Afternoon Pulse, presented by PhRMA: Supreme Court rules for crisis pregnancy centers — Azar: Migrant parents should be able to easily locate kids — Company changes course on right-to-try

ADVOCACY GROUPS SUE ADMINISTRATION AND NOTRE DAME OVER CONTRACEPTION COVERAGE — The lawsuit challenges an October agreement between the Trump administration and Notre Dame that paved the way for the university to drop some contraceptive coverage from the...

Notre Dame Students Sue Over Birth Control Coverage Changes

Michelle Banker is senior counsel at the National Women’s Law Center and one of the lawyers on the suit. She alleged the administration and the University made a private pact to allow Notre Dame to deny coverage to...

Notre Dame students sue school, White House over birth control policy

“We are exposing this deceptive tactic and taking the administration and Notre Dame to court to stop them from chipping away at our right to control our bodies and lives,” Fatima Graves, president and CEO of...