However, despite the benefits brought by diversity of experiences and backgrounds, SCOTUS has nonetheless had very few women and minority justices. Moreover, this problem is not limited to the Supreme Court. Indeed, as the National...
Cases that could force the court to reexamine the right to abortion are currently making their way through the courts and could reach the Supreme Court within the next two years. At least one of...
Activists and organizers around the country are mobilizing against President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, who needs a simple majority of 51 votes in the Senate to be confirmed. If Kavanaugh fills Justice Anthony...
Since then, the Time's Up Legal Defense Fund has raised more than $22 million to help women fight cases of sexual harassment. The fund, housed and administered by the National Women's Law Center, has so...
“And in 1990, as a lawyer with the Department of Justice, Roberts penned a brief that argued Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided and should be overturned.” That brief — which Roberts helped write as...
Commenting on the report, Karen Schulman, the child care and early learning research director for the National Women's Law Center, an advocacy group based in Washington, noted that in many states and school districts, education...