Support Gender Justice this International Women's Day

President Trump doesn’t protect women, but the National Women’s Law Center does.

Celebrate International Women’s Day with a gift that helps defend access to abortion and birth control, keep LGBTQI+ kids safe in school, and safeguard our rights.


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NWLC In The Press

Why You Should Care About Unions

Unions improve wages, benefits and working conditions for their members. But it’s not just to members’ advantage. Collective bargaining affects pay standards across entire industries, meaning even nonunion workers benefit. Unions also secure legislation that...

Social Exclusion and Black Women’s Pay

In the workplace, the results of this exclusionary behavior are clear: The National Women’s Law Center finds that employers pay black women less than comparably qualified white men at every level of education, whether they...

Black Women’s Equal Pay Day reminds us of the continuing women’s pay gap

Over the course of a 40-year career, black women's losses total $867,920 because of the pay gap, the National Women's Law Center recently reported. For black women living in eight states in the U.S., the...

Boosts in income eligibility mean more Maryland families to access child care subsidies

Helen Blank of the National Women’s Law Center said the gains Maryland has made are significant. According to the Washington-based nonprofit, the state’s vouchers had some of the lowest market values in the country. Maryland was also one...

Tuesday is Black Women’s Equal Pay Day. Here’s what you should know about the gap.

The National Women’s Law Center notes that this gap can begin to widen over the course of a black woman’s career, causing her to lose nearly $870,000 in potential earnings to the wage gap. And in several...

The Black Women’s Wage Gap Is Systemic, but That Doesn’t Mean It Can’t Change

Recent data from the National Women’s Law Center shows that while women in the U.S. make 80 cents to every dollar white men make, black women working the same number of hours typically make just 63 cents...