In fact, while the median income of married couples was $85,300 in 2017, it was just $35,400 among single mothers, nearly a third (31.6 percent) of whom faced food insecurity, according to the National Women’s...
Strengthening equal pay laws so that women have the tools they need to fight back against pay discrimination, increasing the availability of child care, having flexible work arrangements, providing paid leave, and having union protections...
The federal court’s decision, which balances both parties’ interests in fair process, is supported both by civil rights and survivors’ advocates like the National Women’s Law Center (where I work) and by so-called “men’s rights...
Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the bench would shift the balance of the Supreme Court against women’s right to birth control at a time when pivotal cases concerning it will come before the court. For example, multiple...
Also in May, Diet Madison Avenue posted a page on GoFundMe to raise $ 100,000 to defray the costs of the lawsuit. Until Tuesday, 7, the collective got $ 1,970. This week, however, after the...
Progressive groups Stand Up for America, Advocates for Youth, and the National Women’s Law Center are joining the center and Planned Parenthood Action Fund in unveiling the campaign. Planned Parenthood Action Fund is also launching...