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NWLC In The Press

Anti-LGBTQ Congressman Introduces Anti-Abortion Bill to Protect ‘Unborn Gay Children’

“There’s no indication that this would happen, first of all,” Leila Abolfazli, director of federal reproductive rights for the National Women’s Law Center, told Rewire.News. “I think the premise of the bill basically acknowledges that there’s...

What Child Care Costs and How to Save

The child care and development block grant is "not a perfect program, but it does make a real difference for families who are able to receive it," says Karen Schulman, child care and early learning...

Black girls say D.C. school dress codes unfairly target them. Now they’re speaking up.

Adaku Onyeka-Crawford, director of educational equity and senior counsel at the National Women’s Law Center, said such dress code violations disrupt students’ learning and level of comfort in schools. “If you’re constantly being scrutinized or...

Taking the Lead on Broadway

61 cents That’s the amount that black women working full-time, year-round make for every dollar paid to their white, non-Hispanic male counterparts, according to a new report from the National Women’s Law Center.

Child Care Costs Exceed Subsidies for Eligible Working Parents in Most States: New Report

The report, released Tuesday, focuses on the Child Care Development Fund, an $8.2 billion block grant that goes toward offsetting the cost of care for 1.4 million children nationwide. The fund is the primary federal...

Paternity leave is a lifesaver for working moms … but are dads taking it?

“According to an analysis of census data by the non-profit advocacy organization National Women’s Law Center in 2018, mothers made $16,000 less per year than fathers.”