Black women face a unique set of challenges in the workforce. Despite being the fastest-growing group of entrepreneurs and earning more degrees than ever, we continue to experience pay gaps, job discrimination, and higher unemployment...
Katie O’Connor, director of federal abortion policy at the National Women’s Law Center, said that while the organization was “relieved” to hear about the court’s decision, “anti-abortion extremists are now more emboldened” thanks to Trump.
Other groups, ranging from the National Women’s Law Center to the Open Markets Institute, have sounded the alarm about the growing role of private equity in child care. A 2024 National Women’s Law Center report...
“We raised this issue before her confirmation that she doesn’t have the necessary independence from Trump to faithfully execute the duties of being attorney general,” said Alison Gill, director of Nominations and Democracy for the...
“We live in a time where the potential for surveillance and criminalization of pregnant people and doctors who provide abortion care has increased, and in some states is even encouraged,” said Sudria Twyman, a legal...
El cuidado infantil le da oportunidad a los padres de menores que atiendan sus labores profesionales. Para muchos el costo es inasequible. [Click this link to view the broadcast segment.]