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NWLC In The Press

Billions in federal child care relief just expired. Costs are already skyrocketing.

Despite the price tag for parents, many center owners are in debt. The national median worker made just $13 an hour last year. According to a recent analysis by the National Women’s Law Center, pay...

Why don’t we talk more about revenue when we talk about the U.S. budget deficit?

“Every dollar spent auditing these high-income tax individuals would collect more than $12 in additional tax revenue,” said Amy Matsui, the director of income security at the National Women’s Law Center. The IRS has started cracking down...

The 19th Explains: The groundwork for a Supreme Court case on gender-affirming care is being laid now

Anya Marino, director of LGBTQI equality at the National Women’s Law Center, worries that public speculation about how the Supreme Court will address trans rights may incite panic among trans people during a time of...

This Black Women’s Equal Pay Day, Black Female Workers Say Enough is Enough!

On average, Black women working full-time make just 67 cents for every dollar paid to white non-Hispanic men, according to the National Women’s Law Center. The implications of this pay gap are enormous, says Gaylynn Burroughs,...

Transgender Student Athletes ‘Just Want to Play.’ Will Federal Law Assure They Can?

“I would argue that Title IX already prohibits this type of discrimination,” said Shiwali Patel, a lawyer with the National Women’s Law Center. If the department were to add specific language protecting transgender students’ right...

Working Moms Took a Hit in the Pandemic. The Pain May Make the Wage Gap Worse.

Half a million more prime age working women dropped out of the labor force than men with the onset of the pandemic. Women’s labor-force participation is beginning to recover, hitting 58.4% in August. It’s still nearly a...