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NWLC In The Press

States Expand Bans on Nondisclosure Pacts Beyond #MeToo Claims

“It’s important that we recognize that harassment does not exist in a vacuum. It often happens alongside other forms of discrimination like wage and hour violations,” said Andrea Johnson, state policy director for the National Women’s...

How the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade will alter the lives of women of color

"Most people who have abortions already have children, so their lives will be upended by the idea that they can't access health care in their community," Fatima Goss Graves says, president and CEO of the National...

50 years since Title IX was enacted, survivors of sexual assault say the law failed to protect them

"Particularly for Black survivors, who are less likely to be believed, there are deep and real concerns when they have contact with the criminal justice system," Fatima Goss Graves, president of the National Women's Law...

Andy Harris is working against equal pay in Md.

Equal pay for Americans should be non-negotiable — and shouldn’t be a debate at all here in Maryland. Yet even as we just observed Black Women’s Equal Pay Day and years of efforts to close...

How Republicans Snuck Anti-Abortion Measures Into the Coronavirus Bailout Bill

The restriction links to the Hyde Amendment, which generally bars the use of federal funds to pay for abortion unless the life of the mother is at risk, or in cases of rape or incest....

Working Moms Among The Hardest Hit By Coronavirus Pandemic

About one in five working Americans are employed part-time, and women make up nearly two-thirds of that work force, according to a report from the National Women's Law Center. Part-time workers are the least likely...