The Americans United for Separation of Church & State and the National Women’s Law Center, who sued on behalf of the religious leaders, responded in a joint statement that they were considering their legal options....
Three states plan to pursue a case in federal district court to make the pills harder to obtain. Reproductive rights lawyers also anticipate efforts on behalf of anti-abortion activists or legislators to revive a 151-year-old...
More than one third of all Latina tipped workers live close to the poverty line, while 10.9% are indeed poor, a report by the National Women's Law Center (NWLC) showed. The study, titled "One Fair Wage:...
National Women’s Law Center, a local non-profit, also issued a statement urging Congress to consider the importance of this bill as a human rights matter. “They are purposely conflating birth control and abortion, redefining pregnancy...
“We are seeing a real resurgence in the labor movement,” said National Women’s Law Center President Fatima Goss Graves, pointing to auto workers in the South as an example. “And what we know is that [Berner’s] experience...
So, as the National Women’s Law Center wrote in a post on X on Friday, the day of the Griswold anniversary: “Today is a reminder of how important access to birth control is—but also that it’s in danger.”