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NWLC In The Press

Women, Southerners Most Likely to Earn Minimum Wage

And women are actually significantly more likely than men to earn the minimum wage. A study put out last month by the National Women's Law Center stated that women make up "nearly two-thirds of minimum...

In Celebration Of Labor Day, A Look At Women In The U.S. Workforce

A number of theories could explain why the gender wage gap is so persistent. For one, women are less likely to negotiate their salaries. Emily Martin, vice president and general counsel of the National Women's...

What Advocates Are Doing to End Sexual Assault on Campus

"The awareness raising is an important piece," said Fatima Goss Graves, senior vice president at the National Women's Law Center. "It continues to hold schools and policymakers accountable."

These lawmakers want to kill the interview question we all hate to answer

Still it shouldn't be counted out yet, says Fatima Goss Graves, a senior vice president at the National Women's Law Center. "People can see the connection of the deep unfairness of carrying past discrimination with...

More companies insure against employee harassment

The policies took off in the 1090s, post-Anita Hill, in line with rising awareness of workplace sexual harassment.  After Hill testified before Congress, "we saw charges that were filed go up dramatically,” said Fatima Goss...

Federal sexual violence stats sow confusion

Yet, the disparity among the data collections doesn’t necessarily hurt efforts to combat sexual violence, said Neena Chaudhry, education director and senior counsel of the National Women’s Law Center. “Whatever numbers we have,” she said,...