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NWLC In The Press

SCOTUS Dodges the Question of Emergency Abortions

After accidentally uploading the decision in the EMTALA case, the Supreme Court released it for real today. Leah is joined by Fatima Goss Graves, Chris Geidner, and Amanda Hollis-Brusky to analyze the Court’s “refusal to...

Corte Suprema de EEUU permite por ahora abortos de emergencia en Idaho

Por su parte, Gretchen Borchelt, vicepresidenta de derechos reproductivos y salud del Centro Nacional de Derecho de la Mujer, dijo que la Corte Suprema "no merece ningún crédito por esta decisión". "Este es el mínimo...

Supreme Court emergency abortion decision frustrates both sides

On Wednesday, after a copy of the draft opinion was obtained by Bloomberg News, Fatima Goss Graves, president and CEO of the National Women’s Law Center, said the danger is still imminent for pregnant mothers in need...

‘This is not a time for applause’: Advocates on both sides of abortion issue slam SCOTUS ruling

Despite the U.S. Supreme Court issuing a decision allowing emergency abortions in Idaho, many pro-abortion groups criticized Thursday's ruling and said it was far from a win for abortion rights. "This is not a time for applause...

Los dos años del fin de la protección al aborto en EE.UU.: caos, terror y retroceso

Según Noel León, directora del Fondo de Defensa Legal para el Acceso al Aborto (Abortion Access LDF), la decisión del TS sumió a medio país en “un caos legal”. El Fondo, creado por el Centro...

Title IX Legal Challenges Target LGBTQ+ Protections

“Our hope is that when and if this reaches the appellate courts, the courts will consider the rule of law and the reality that these attacks on LGBTQ+ students are not factual,” said Shiwali Patel,...