Four Women Senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee: Yes, Please
The Senate Judiciary Committee held its first business meeting of the year today, following the addition of Senators Cory Booker and Kamala Harris to the Committee. In her remarks, Senator Dianne Feinstein, the first woman ranking member of the Committee, celebrated the fact that there are now a total of four women Committee members.
We agree that this is a laudable milestone. Like Justice Ginsburg, we think that women should be well-represented in all the places where decisions are being made, and that is especially important given this Committee’s critical role evaluating nominees to lifetime positions on the federal bench. And the fierce questioning by Senators Hirono, Klobuchar, and Harris at the judicial nominations hearing yesterday was a great example of what the women Committee members are doing with their seats at the table. Enjoy!
Watch the whole hearing here: