Who Has Time For Women’s History Month?
According to the Library of Congress, the origins of Women’s History Month begin with Congressional recognition in 1981 of Women’s History Week. And how far have we come since then? Just joking… kind of…
I’ve been attempting to write this blog post all month and I’ve been putting it off because I’m tired. Not sure if you’ve read the news but the pandemic is breaking women. What was I thinking when I volunteered to write this blog on our team meeting? To quote from our Monday morning check-in a few weeks ago—“Is there anything else this week besides… everything?”
That has been the mood at the start of every week this month. It’s been the mood of the last two years. And respectfully, that’s the mood every day.
A lot of Women’s History Month conversation we see comes in the form of cute graphics, celebratory statements and resolutions. And there is a place for all of those things—I personally love being told how amazing I am. But, in order for me to consume all this content, I need to take time out of my day and continue to push things further down my never-ending to-do list. In order to make these statements worth my time, there must be meaning behind them. Shout to the Gender Pay Gap Bot for capturing that sentiment—thank you for your tweet, but please pay you’re the women that you employ.
For Women’s History Month, I do not want to be celebrated for a month. Let me know when we have equal protections in the workplace, or live free from discrimination and harassment, or can get an abortion if we need one in Texas, or can look for a gender studies master’s program that’s not being threatened by right-wing bigots, or our trans siblings aren’t being threatened, or accomplished Black women aren’t being verbally harassed in the United States Senate. Fighting all these things—is a lot of work. On top of our actual jobs. And we make the time to do all the things, even when we don’t have the time, because if we don’t do all the things, who will?