In the United States, birth control pills are only available with a prescription from a health care provider. But there is a movement to bring a pill over the counter. Making a birth control pill available over the counter will not truly be successful if people cannot access it because of cost or other barriers. To realize the promise of an over the counter pill, both private insurance plans and public programs must fully cover it, and there cannot be other barriers, such as refusals to provide it, in the way. National Women’s Law Center experts have researched what more must be done to build a legal and policy landscape that ensures those who need or want an over-the-counter pill have insurance coverage of it and do not face other barriers to accessing it. This webinar will draw on that research, provide case studies of current state laws and policies, and present next steps that advocates and states can take to create to build the framework needed to support an over the counter birth control pill.
The webinar includes an audience Q&A and feature experts, including:
- Mary Durden, Communications and Outreach Manager, Ibis Reproductive Health
- Mara Gandal-Powers, Director of Birth Control Access, National Women’s Law Center
- Vacheria Tutson, Legal Fellow, National Women’s Law Center